
(* indicates more specifically arts related.  click here for performance work and art films)


Frost, K, (2019) Parallels amongst Environmental Justice, Degrowth, and First Nations sovereignty fights in British Colombia, Canada. Ecological Economics

Frost, K. (2018). Cultural evolution in adaptive management of grassroots activism in BC, Canada. Sustainability Science, 13(1), 81–92.

Richerson, P. J., Baldini, R., Beheim, B., Bell, A., Demps, K., Frost, K., … Zimmerman, M. (2014). The Evidence for Selection on Inter-Group Cultural Variation in Humans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Frost, K. and P. Richerson, (2014), Cultural Evolution as Postmodern Social Science, book chapter in Naturalistic Approaches to Culture, editor Csaba Pleh.

*Frost, K., (2009), Gender, Intimacy, and Contact: an Empirical Study, Contact Quarterly 

*Frost, K. (1998). Some Short Stories about Sex and Contact. Contact Quarterly. 

*Frost, K. (1995). East Coast vs West Coast Styles of Contact Improvisation. Contact Quarterly

Frost K., J. Eto, D. Arasteh, and M. Yazdanian, (1996), “The National Energy Requirements of Residential Windows in the U.S.: Today and Tomorrow.” ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Frost K. et al (1993), Savings from Energy Efficient Windows: Current and Future Savings from New Fenestration Technologies in the Residential Market. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report 33956. 

In Review

Frost, K. (2018). Parallels amongst Environmental Justice, Degrowth, and First Nations sovereignty fights in British Colombia

Frost, K. (2016), Calming Meditation Increases Universal Altruism and Reduces Parochialism. doi:10.1101/060616,

blog, We Eat Fish ( film and web-based article series on First Nations sovereignty and resistance to oil, gas, and mining in British Columbia). Canada.


Frost, K. (2016), Dissertation Chapter: Coevolutionary Dynamics of Bonding Rituals. doi:10.1101/060624,

Frost, K. (2016), Dissertation Chapter: Gene-Culture Coevolution of Prosocial Rituals. doi:10.1101/060632,

Frost, K. (2016), Dissertation Chapter: Costly-to-Fake Rituals: the dynamics of sacrifice as signal of solidarity. doi:10.1101/060640,

*Frost, K. (2011), MFA Thesis Chapter: Interactive Theater as Participatory Anthropology Research

*Frost, K. (2011), MFA Thesis Chapter: A Taxonomy of Participatory Performance: Spectra of Agency

*Frost, K. (1998). Nine Short Stories about Sex and Contact. Contact Quarterly.